Archive | December, 2013

Vol. 14 | Issue 10

16 Dec

Board looks at social media policy

The Board looked at a proposed social media policy Monday night, meant to give staff members a better understanding of the impact their online presence can have on their professional lives, as well as outline procedures and protocols for district social media accounts.

Jason Staker, district communications director, told the Board the policy was needed to help educate staff about how what they say and post on social media like Facebook and Twitter can have an impact on their personal and professional lives.

The policy will have three sections: an overall policy, a regulation focused on staff use of social media and electronic communication, and a section about establishing and using district-approved social media sites. The District has official accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Four Square, YouTube and Pinterest, Staker said. The policy, once approved, will provide clear guidance on how to expand the presence to buildings and programs.

Lisa Koester, director of human resources, said the policy is to help protect staff by better defining when items posted on social media are First Amendment protected and when they could have an adverse impact on employment. It also addresses electronic communication between students and staff, including email and text messaging.

“Much of what is put into this policy is common sense,” Staker said. “Social media is such an major part of everyday life now that it’s important to have these things outlined in official board policy.”

Details of the policy are still being developed and will be presented for initial review at the Jan. 6, 2014, Board meeting. Once approved, Staker said the District will need to work on educating staff about the rules and regulations in the policy.

Support Services Building tech bid approved

Tri-City Electric of Davenport was awarded the technology portion of the Support Services Building project Monday night, saving the district more than $100,000.

The project was originally bid as part of the overall building renovation and remodeling, but bids at that time came in much higher than budget estimates. The Board elected to remove the technology project and bid it separately. The $118,075 bid from Tri-State Electric brings the cost down significantly.


By Dr. Marvin Wade, Superintendent of Schools

Monday’s Board of Education meeting included a vote by the Board to set a public hearing for Jan. 20, 2014 regarding the Instructional Support Program (ISP) for fiscal year 2015. It is proposed that the District continue its current level of ISP participation – making an additional funding amount equal to ten percent of our regular program cost available for instructional needs of MCSD (an amount that was approximately $1.9 million for the 2013-2014 school year).

Setting the public hearing for the Instructional Support Levy has traditionally been the unofficial kick-off of budget preparations for the following fiscal year. We know our student enrollment count and the level of supplemental state aid for next year, the Board will review its budget development parameters in January, and other budgetary considerations (e.g. insurance rates, compensation negotiations) will begin soon thereafter.

With the winter break rapidly approaching, I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.


By Sherm Welker, Board President

Tonight the Board approved the revised technology bids for the administration suite at the Support services building. Over the past several years, technology upgrades have been accomplished through out the district at every building and the costs of new technology have escalated. We decided to break out the IT costs on the administration project so we can be better informed of the costs and how we will proceed in the future. In doing so, the District removed $140,000 of cost from the project without compromising the upgrade of the facility. Thanks to staff and our consultants for helping us achieve the goal at a greatly reduced cost.


Initial Review

502.1 Student Behavior and Discipline, mark reviewed
502.8/R Student Expulsion, mark reviewed
502.9/R Gangs, correct minor grammar issues, some clarifications needed on regulations.
502.10 Weapons, change “shall” and “will” to “may” in some parts of the policy.
502.11 Violence, reviewed.
502.12 Smoking, Drinking, Drugs, need to review health policy and student handbook to see what regulations are defined; policy will be refined as necessary.

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